Harbin Institute of Technology Scholarship CSC Scholarship 2020 are open for International Students in China Under Chinese Government Scholarships 2020. HIT CSC Scholarships 2020 is Fully Funded Scholarship, Now Accepting International Students applications for Master and PhD programs from all over the world.
Harbin Institute of Technology CSC Scholarship 2020:
Harbin Institute of Technology:
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin is offering all academic fields. HIT Ranked No.6 in China and No.13 Globally. HIT is one of the top leading university which are responsible for educating International Students Under CSC Scholarships in China Each Year.
Harbin Institute of Technology CSC Scholarship:
Harbin Institute of Technology(HIT), there are hundreds of International Students studies their Master and PhD Degrees Under the Chinese Government Scholarship. China Scholarships Council (CSC) 2020 is Fully Funded Scholarship which will cover everything during the study in China Under Chinese Goverment Scholarship
Host Country : Study in China
Host University: Harbin Institute of Technology
Scholarships Offered By: Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) Under Chinese Government
Scholarships Coverage: Full Funded
No of Scholarships: Each Year There are 25000+ Scholarships in 270+ Chinese Universities.
Degree Level: Master and PhD Degree Programs in all Fields.
You can also Apply for following opportunities:
HIT CSC Scholarship 2020 Offers:
- Exempt from Registration Fee.
- Full Tuition Fee Covered.
- Free Accommodation on Campus.
- Fee for Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Benefit Plan for International Students in China.
- HIT provides free accommodation for Chinese Government Scholarship students. 1 Doctoral Student or Master student shall live in One Room.
Programs Offered By Harbin Institute of Technology:
Scholarships are available to pursue Masters (MS/ M.Phil) and PhD in all multiple fields. List of the Programs Details are given Below.
Master’s Degree: 2-3 Years of Education:
- School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
- School of Materials Science and Engineering
- School of Economy and Management
- School of Humanities, Social Science and Law
- School of Civil Engineering
- School of Astronautics
- School of Energy Science and Engineering
- School of Computer Science and Technology / School of Software
- School of Electrical Engineering and Automation
- School of Science
- School of Environment
- School of Architecture
- School of Transportation Science and Technology
- School of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
- School of Electronics and Information Technology
- School of Life Science and Technology
Doctor’s Degree: 4-5 Years of Education:
- School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
- School of Materials Science And Engineering
- School of Economy And Management
- School of Humanities, Social Science and Law
- School of Science
- School of Electrical Engineering and Automation
- School of Energy Science and Engineering
- School of Computer Science and Technology / School of Software
- School of Astronautics
- School of Environment
- School of Life Science And Technology
- School of Transportation Science And Technology
- School of Civil Engineering
- School of Architecture
- School of Electronics and Information Technology
- School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Eligibility Criteria:
Candidates must fulfill the following criteria to avail this Scholarship for their study at HIT Under CSC.
- Applicants Must be Non-Chinese Citizens.
- Applicants should be in healthy physical condition.
- Applicants for Master’s degree studies must have a Bachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35.
- Applicants for Doctoral degree studies must have a Master’s degree and be under the age of 40.
- Excellent achievement in your study.
- Comparative good ability in research.
- Applicants do not gain any other scholarship.
Academic Requirements:
- Masters Students:
- Applicants with a bachelor’s degree are eligible to apply for Master’s Degree programs.
- PhD Students:
- Applicants with a master’s degree are eligible to apply for Doctoral Degree programs
Deadline: Applicants should post their application materials in time to the College of International Education of HIT from October 15 to December 25, 2019.
Note: The application date is defined as the date on which HIT office receives the paper application materials.
How to Apply for CSC Scholarships 2020 at HIT:
Student have to Apply Online first on CSC Portal. There is no need to apply HIT official admission site, Applicants shall submit the written Application Materials to HIT by Post.
Process Steps:
- Student have to click Here to Register First on CSC Portal: Click Here to Register
- After Login, Select Program Category is B and Agencies Code of HIT is 10213.
- Fill the CSC Form with above required Documents.
- After Completion of form, Student Have to Send Documents by Post as mentioned. (The above materials should directly reach the International Exchange Division of HIT. The application material would not be sent back whether the applicant is enrolled or not.) For More Information Check Official Link given Below.
- Address for Post:
- Add: No.11 Siling Street, Nangang District, Harbin (150001), China
Please mark clearly “CSC Scholarship Application” on the envelope.
- Add: No.11 Siling Street, Nangang District, Harbin (150001), China
You can also check Complete Application Process in Detail for China Scholarships: Click Here.
For Apply:
- Student have to Click Apply Online Button Below in Green Color For Apply.
- You can also visit Official Advertisement from Official Source Button.
,CSC Scholarships 2020-2021, chinese government scholarships 2020-2021, hit chinese government scholarships 2020-2021, harbin institute of information technology csc scholarships 2020-2021, HIT CSC Scholarships 2020-2021 fully funded, Fully Funded CSC scholarships 2020-2021, China Scholarships 2020, China admission 2020 for Undergraduate, Master & PhD.